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From The Coordinator’S Desk

MAIJEC LEADERSHIP ACADEMY admits children from pre-school ages of 15 months to age 15 years. It is placed under the leadership of an experienced coordinator/Dean of Studies, assisted by a number of qualified and dedicated mentors.
This leadership academy also places so much emphasis on safety and comfort. Priority is given to individual contact to ensure that each child is guided into activities and learning experiences appropriate for him/her. No undue emphasis is placed on formal academic work.

MAIJEC Leadership Academy has high expectations for all its learners. In Grade School, we pride ourselves on knowing each child as an individual in order to help them make progress. Teachers in the Grade School plan to scaffold success for all learners from their point of entry. This means that learning opportunities are planned so that all students are challenged appropriately, by providing work that is well-suited to their individual needs.

Most of all, we are interested in the learning process, learning how to learn and how to apply skills and knowledge across an ever-increasing spectrum of experience. From the earliest age, we ensure that children have an enjoyable experience in school and are motivated to learn and improve. This positive attitude is supported by a team of highly professional teachers referred to as Mentors who are themselves engaged in lifelong learning and model effective pedagogy.

[vc_table vc_table_theme=”classic_purple”][c#ffffff]Year%20Group,[c#ffffff]Age%20Range,[c#ffffff]UK%20Key%20stage|Preschool,1-3-year%20old,EYFS*|Kindergarten,3-4-year%20old,EYFS*|Reception,4-5-year%20old,EYFS*|Grade%201,5-6-year%20old,Key%20Stage%201|Grade%202,6-7-year%20old,Key%20Stage%201[/vc_table]
[vc_table vc_table_theme=”classic_purple”][c#ffffff]Year%20Group,[c#ffffff]Age%20Range,[c#ffffff]UK%20Key%20stage|Grade%203,7-8-year%20old,Key%20Stage%202|Grade%204,8-9-year%20old,Key%20Stage%202|Grade%205,9-10-year%20old,Key%20Stage%202|Grade%206**,10-11-year%20old,Key%20Stage%202|,,[/vc_table]

Early Years and Foundation Stage

**Children proceed from Primary School to Secondary School on completion of Grade 6

[vc_table vc_table_theme=”classic_purple”][c#ffffff]Year%20Group,[c#ffffff]Age%20Range|Year%207,10-11-year%20old|Year%208,11-12-year%20old|Year%209,12-13-year%20old|Year%2010,13-14-year%20old|Year%2011,14-15-year%20old|Year%2012,15-16-year%20old[/vc_table]
Secondary (1)


Begin your admission process into MAIJEC Leadership Academy by filling out the admission application form online.

Enroll Now!

Or Call 09036387901