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Parents interested in their child(ren) attending MAIJEC LEADERSHIP ACADEMY can collect an Admission Pack from the School Office. Alternatively, parents may fill out the Admission Form from our website and send it to us with the required supporting documents. These include the following:

  • Birth Certificate or current Passport
  • Up-to-date Immunisation Certificate
  • Latest Report from the current school for children joining in Grades 1 upwards
  • Prospective parents collecting an Admission Pack will do so for a non-refundable fee of =N=4,000. Inside the pack, they will find our school prospectus/code of conduct, and the Admission Form which must be completed and returned to the School, either in person or electronically. When this is returned, a file is opened for the prospective pupil and all actions in respect of this admission are logged and dated on our school management system. Deciding on the right school for one’s child is very important and we believe a personal visit is invaluable. Prospective pupils are invited to visit the School with their parents so that they can view the facilities, and meet the Head of School and the other relevant staff. Children are offered places in the School based on:
  • Results of an educational assessment visit
  • Reference to the latest reports from the current school attended
  • Where places are oversubscribed, priority is given on the following basis:
  • Prospective pupil with siblings who are already pupils/students of the school
  • Date of submission of admission forms
  • Pupils/students should normally be the correct age for the year group, based on 1st September cut-off with a pupil/student expecting to attain the required age for the class in his/her last school year.
  • Children born after the 1st September will be put into the year Group below, so they go through as the oldest in their year, rather than the youngest.
  • Prior to an offer being made parents or guardians must declare any specific learning support requirement, medical condition or disability so that we can ensure we can meet the pupil/student’s individual needs.

Admission Form


Parents'/Sponsor's Information