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Our preschool classes are structured in the Montessori, EYFS style and as stated in the Nigerian curriculum. Each class has a qualified teacher and an assistant who specializes in tutoring all subjects.
Age 2-3 y/o
Class size 15
Category Preschool

Our preschool classes are structured in the Montessori, EYFS style and as stated in the Nigerian curriculum. Each class has a qualified teacher and an assistant who specializes in tutoring all subjects.

Montessori activities: We incorporate Observation and the follow the child approach which helps a teacher determine the state of preparedness of a child for a particular activity as well as sensitive periods. It also helps the Teacher understand his/her learning pattern, behavior and consequently channel the child’s development process on the right path.

Our School’s Aims are:

  • To provide a thematic and structured programme of work to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum,
  • To address the unique need of each child towards enhancing performance
  • To provide a safe and enabling environment for all children
  • To foster inquisitiveness and engagement in the classroom and playground
  • To develop in each unique child, self-confidence and a positive self-image
  • To develop and inculcate awareness of spiritual, moral, social and cultural values.
  • To prepare and enable the future readiness of our children in all aspects
  • To work in partnership with parents, teachers and other professionals to deliver the aims of the school.

Special subjects/training are tutored by specialist teachers.

Children are admitted to the school in accordance with the Australian/British Admissions Policy and also that set out by the Nigerian Educational System.

The school Day

School Hours: 7:45 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

The Start of the Day: At 7:45-8:45 a.m., School Assembly, the attendance and class registers are taken. Lessons then begin promptly at 9.00 a.m., so children must arrive on time.