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Our preschool classes are structured in the Montessori, EYFS style and as stated in the Nigerian curriculum. Each class has a qualified teacher and an assistant who specializes in tutoring all subjects.

Pre-k class-Creche (Daisy Class)

We keep your baby happy, safe and engaged by personalizing care based on every child’s unique schedule, nutritional guidelines, and required special attention.

Nursery 2 (Oak Class)

Our READY for SCHOOL program is filled with investigation and discovery, where active and enthusiastic children can refine and expand their discovered skills and knowledge. Our tutors ensure pre-schoolers have joyful, appropriate and meaningful learning experiences. This is achieved through intentional teaching practices, purposefully-designed learning environments, and enriched activities that makes your child fully baked and ready for ultimate success in school and life.

Reception 2 (Jasmine Class)

The program for Jasmine class recognizes that children will be stepping into nursery classes and places emphasis on a range of expectations for a child’s social and academic performance. Our comprehensive curriculum builds continuing development of strong language, culture, reading and writing abilities, and math skills essential for ongoing success in school and life.

Reception 1 (Lily Class)

Our program engages your one to two year old with hands on exploration to help them learn about their expanding world. Through the guidance of our early childhood development professionals, our toddlers enjoy learning experiences that promote their blossoming independence and social skills, and foster self-confidence within and outside our environment.